CHINA: E-waste Processing Poisons Health, Environment

Michael Standaert

GUIYU, China, May 2 2010 (IPS) – Like many who have profited from the electronic waste trade in this southern Chinese town, hospital administrator Lin Banghong does not live there. I ve worked here 10 years and haven t gotten sick, he said.
At a makeshift e-waste workshop in China s Guiyu town, a migrant worker cooks computer motherboards over solder to remove chips and valuable metals. Credit: Jeffrey Lau/IPS

At a makeshift e-waste workshop in China s Guiyu town, a migrant worker coo…

India Needs to “Save its Daughters” Through Education and Gender Equality

Women working the fields in India where a vast number farm, but make little money. Credit: Neeta Lal/IPS

NEW DELHI, Jan 8 2016 (IPS) – Women constitute nearly half of the country s 1.25 billion people and gender equality whether in politics, economics, education or health is still a distant dream for most. This fact was driven home again sharply by the recently released United National Development Programme’s Human Development Report (HDR) 2015 which ranks India at a lowly 130 out of 155 countries in the Gender Inequality Index (GII). India trails behind most Asian countries, including lesser developed Bangladesh and Pakistan which rank 111 and 121 respectively, and fares n…